Get Help Israel provides English-speakers with access to verified mental health specialists as well as resources and information on navigating the mental health system in Israel.
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How Can We Help?

Our Mission

Educate the Public
about the benefits of therapy, the various therapeutic options available, and provide guidance in navigating the public mental healthcare system.
Encourage People
to seek help by providing them with an easy to use and reliable resource for locating the best help for each individual.
Address & Challenge
the stigma surrounding mental health that may be preventing people from getting help.
Create a Community
of Anglo mental health professionals in Israel, who comply with principles of ethical practice.

In Partnership With

Frequently Asked Questions

On the top menu, select FIND A THERAPIST and use the filter on your left to narrow down the results. You may browse the profiles of the therapists in the results to determine who seems to be the best fit for what you're looking for. If you're having difficulty choosing a therapist, you may schedule a telephone consultation with more than one therapist and make your decision after the phone call. If you filtered your search and didn't get any results based on your desired criteria, or you are overwhelmed with too many results, you may contact us and we will assist you. For more information on how to choose the right therapist, click here.
The therapists listed on this website are independent practitioners; they do not work for Get Help Israel. We encourage our members to respond to inquiries within 2 business days; however, emails sometimes fall through the cracks, or end up in a different folder. When emailing a therapist, make sure that you login to your FREE account so your inquiry is saved in your Dashboard. You can then follow up at a later time. If you still don't hear back, please contact us with the name of the therapist, so we can make sure that they're receiving their emails/calls; we make it a priority to ensure that you are able to access help in a timely manner.
The Israel Association of Mental Health Professionals / Get Help Israel is a membership-based association for mental health professionals. In order for therapists to become a member of the association and be listed on our website, they must meet the professional requirements of the association. The word "therapist" or "psychotherapist" is not regulated in Israel, which means that therapists in Israel do not need any qualifications to start a private practice and call themselves a therapist. This poses a risk for harm to clients who may not know how to determine whether a therapist has proper qualifications or who are not comfortable asking a therapist to show his/her qualifications. All therapists on our website have post-graduate training in mental health from an accredited university. All life coaches are certified life coaches and meet the ICF requirements. Each therapist's title is in accordance with the law in Israel. We verify the credentials of each member of the association to uphold a high professional standard and transparency to the public using the GHI resource. To learn more about GHI's verification, click here..
You may find a therapist through your Kupat Cholim or through an organization providing subsidized mental health services.
All the information on this website is available to you free of charge. We are simply providing you with access to various mental health services that are available in Israel. Each clinician has his/her own fee, which should be discussed with the therapist directly prior to setting up your first appointment. GHI does not make any commission on the services that you receive from the professionals on this website.
Yes. We set up an Aliyah Committee to answer your questions. The members of the committee can be found here. You may contact them directly with your questions.